Features of HTML5

HTML5 is one of the most important languages that modern developers use in their activities. […]

Who is QA tester

QA-tester – a specialist who develops testing scenarios, identifies possible bugs and failures in the […]

Where HTML5 is used

HTML5 is a hypertext markup language that is widely used on the Internet. It defines […]

HTML5 features in the process of creating mobile applications

HTML is a special language created to improve and streamline the process of structuring documents and […]

What Is The Difference Between HTML And HTML5

The HTML language was elaborated in 1997 to provide unified operation standards for websites and […]

What Are HTML5’s Capabilities?

The main question asked by anyone who has learned about the arrival of HTML5 is […]

How To Use HTML5

The arrival of HTML’s 5th version has raised a number of questions. They were predominantly asked […]

What Is HTML5

At the beginning of 2021, all popular web browsers stopped supporting Adobe Flash technology. Therefore, the operation […]

Outsourced accountant or in-house accountant: which is better?

Canada is a unique country that provides huge opportunities for those who want to organize […]

Installing Android Apps Using an Apk Archive

The most well-known and simple way to install apps on Android devices is the Google Play Store. But […]